Application for Commercial
Filming in SMTX


Project Information


Primary Contact

Location Manager

*If different from primary contact

Production Company Information

Production Details


Please include their name, phone number, and email.

Production schedule and activities, including stunts, pyrotechnics, special effects, aerial photography, amplified sound or use of animals: (Give dates and times and rain dates. Hours should include set-up, holding of sets and restoration.)

Include approximate number of persons involved with the production, including cast and crew.

Do you anticipate need of City personnel, equipment or property?

Are there any public areas in which public access will be restricted during production

Describe alterations to public property.

Please include an approximate number and type of production vehicles to be used and location(s) where vehicles will be parked.

Where will crew and cast be held and fed, if not at filming location?

Please attach map of anticipated street closure(s) or other public area use, if necessary.

* Indicates a required field.